Tuesday 15 March 2016

Shoot 5 - Work Record

From the last shoot I decided that I would try to look at a different theme for my topic so I have decided that my next few shoots I would photograph light traces in order to show the passing of time. I think that this shot will work well and that it links well to my theme. For this shot I hope to learn the camera settings needed to photograph light traces and capture the detail in them. If this shoot goes alright then I will try to capture the light traces created by sparklers. If this shoot doesn't work well and I am unable to capture the light traces I will then have to look at taking my work in a different direction. 

For this set of images I decided to outline the person using the light in order to highlight their shape. This shows the passing of time because you can tell that the photograph is a long exposure as you can see the whole of the light trace. People who don't know photography that well will also be able to tell that the images show the passing of time because you normally can't see a whole light trace in a normal image. I chose to put them in a four because they were all on the same theme and linked together well. I feel that some worked better than others in the set however I feel that they all work well together and show off the them well. 

This is another image that worked well as the spiral around his body has stayed in a clear shape and therefore has worked well in highlighting his body. I feel that this worked well apart from the fact that the light was having to be passed between two people and therefore the light has also capture the movement of the hands however this doesn't notice that much and therefore it still works. I feel that the fact that you can't see his face clearly works well with the theme because the spiral is the important bit rather than the person in the photograph. 


As this shoot worked well I feel that I will be able to recreate this using sparklers. I feel that I was able to get the right camera settings and this means that I am prepared for my next shoot. I feel that sparklers may work better than the light as you will get more sparks from a sparkler and this will give the photograph a different feel. I feel sparklers will give off a different feel as they aren't photographed in this way very often. 

1 comment:

  1. GRACE PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU USE the camera settings to describe how you created the photographs. e.g. terminologies to use long expire time, painting with light, licht factor.. aperture, shutter speed.
