Thursday 24 March 2016

Shoot 10 - Work Record

For this shoot I hope to make it to the station in order to capture commuters on their way to work or coming up from the station having arrived at their location for work. I feel like this will really show off the passing of time as it will lead the viewer to think of the journey that the person has taken to get to this point but also to end up where they are right know and where they are going. I think this should could lead to the creation of some gifs that will work very well together and therefore it will mean that I am able to get more and more practice at creating the gifs. 

When doing this shoot I realised that it was too light to create long exposure images due to the fact that it was very bright at the time and the pictures were all coming out white and even after changing the iso and aperture I was unable to get the right colour so I used continuous shooting part of my camera in order to capture the passing of time 

While I was on location I saw this man and I decided that I could turn this into a never ending gif however when I was editing it I realised that you could see the car going past in the background so I had to crop out the cars so that the car didn't disappear. I feel like this really tested my editing skills as I tried to created a gif that could look like it would never end. I feel that this works well and really helped me with the detailed needed in creating a gif.

I feel that this sequence of images shows off the passing time as you can clearly see the boys getting further and further into the shot and the fact that they have all be laid next to each other suggests the passing of time as you look along the line in order to see the sequence of images in a clear and distinctive line. The passing of time is clear within the images as they begin to become more and more into the shot and you can see that the movement of their feet all link together in order to show off a clear sequence of images highlighting the passing of time. 

 I have looked in to doing another shoot at Allianz Park when Saracens play Northampton Saints and am currently waiting to hear back from them as to whether or not I will be allowed to take my camera into the venue as I feel  I will be able to capture the passing of time clearly during the match. I also hope to be able to capture sequences of image in order to have another go at creating gifs. 

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