Thursday 3 March 2016

Connecting Essay 2

In this image the food dye has been dripped into the water and then edited so it looks like it is being dripped from the bas of the image rather than from the top. In this image the food dye has been left unedited and therefore it means that there are some break off bits of dye that makes the picture look less professional also the lighting gets darker towards the top of the image and this means that it looses its colour. I think that this works well and it also shows the passing of time clearly as you cans see where the food dye to has all gone into the water and there is just a small trail connecting the two large sections of food dye together. 

In the image below I have turned the base image upside down and then colour matched the background to the whole background in order to make it look like there is no background there. The image looks well created and the set up took a long time to set up and it took me a while to create the right image and therefore this adds to how well the photograph works together. I like that I was able to white balance the image and keep the colour consistent through out the whole image. 

These images link together as they are very similar and both have used editing to make the photographs stand out as you usually don't see the food dye going up it is usually going down. The images also work well because the colour has been keep clear and it really helps to show the passing of time. The fact that the in some places the colour is darker than in others adds to the idea that the food dye hasn't diluted as much in those places as it has others and this is a clear indication of time passing. 

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