Wednesday 16 March 2016

Connecting Essay 4

In the image below Sadie Hernandez has used sparklers to create butterfly wings behind her model . The long exposure means that the wings have been fully captured and stand out. This image has been taken at dusk so that you can still see the person in the photograph but you can also see the movement of the person in the background creating the wings. The image has been edited so that the sparks coming off the wings look bright but to also enhance the small sparks that have fallen from the sparkler. The image works well as it shows off everything that it needs to and shows off the passing of time due to the movement of the sparkler and the man standing behind the girl. 

In my image I have recreated the butterfly wings however I recreated mine in the pitch black and I really liked the effect that it had on the photograph because the sparkler lit up engough of the shape of the body that you could tell the person was there however you can't see their face so you don't know whether it is a man or a woman or the kind of facial expression that they have . This makes the photograph simple and means the focus remains on the wings and the time that went into drawing them and therefore linking to the theme of the passing of time. The contrast between the colour of the background and the sparklers makes them stand out and therefore it means that the theme of the passing of time is key in the photograph. 

In both images long exposure has been used to capture the movement of the sparklers, they both rely on the clear movements of the sparkler to show off the passing of time. They both rely on drawing of wings in order to show the passing of time. The contrast of colours in both pictures helps in making the sparklers stand out and therefore it means that the passing of time is highlighted as it is in the foreground of the photograph capturing the audiences attention.

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