Thursday 25 February 2016

Connecting Essay 1

In the image below the passing of time has been shown through the movement of the person doing ballet and this image shows the detail of the movements that the person has made. The dancer is in the middle of the frame so that all of her movements can be seen in the image.  The dark background makes the dancer stand out and the simple editing has helped the person stand out and there for it means that the simple picture  keeps it simplicity and keeps the focus on the passing of time shown in the images. The image helps to show the movements of the person off and allows people to really appreciate movements that a dancer can do in a short amount of time. 

In my image the girl decided to do a very detailed jump and I decided this would make a vey good photograph. This isn't a long exposure photograph however once I had laid the images over the top of each other and it worked very well and therefore I really liked it. It showed of the passing of time well and the continuous shooting worked well together as all the movements are clear and you can really see ever one of the movements that she made.  This worked well and the editing was harder than I expected as I had to find the right opacity for the pictures in order so that you could see the movement but it still looked like the movement wasn't overtaking the whole image. 

In both these images the placement of the dancer in the frame is important because it means that all of their movements can be seen within the frame and the passing of time is shown clearly throughout the passing of time. Also contrast of colours are similar in my image the background is white and the girl is wearing black and in the other image it is the other way around. The images are both very simple and therefore the focus of the image remains on the passing of time and nothing else.

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