Tuesday 2 February 2016


Dictionary Definition - Time - The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
Dictionary Definition - Passing - a period of time going by
Describing Words - Time - age, date, era, future, generations 
Describing Word - Passing - Cursory, Fleeting, Superficial 

This image shows the passing of time due to the fact that the clock suggests that time is continuous and is always passing and never stops. The use of the clock literally shows time passing and this links directly with the topic that I have chosen to do. Using a clock is a very simple way in which to show the passing of time as time is the first thing associated with a clock. 

This image shows the passing of time through the use of the old furniture and the fact that it all looks like it has been there for a number of years. The use of the portrait of a young person suggests that the women is the same as the one in the room and this suggests that a large amount of time has passed and therefore it links with my topic.  

In this image the idea of time passing is shown through the fact that the man is waiting for the timer to run out and therefore shows that time is passing. The use of a sand timer has been well used to show that so much time has passed however he has to wait for so much more time to pass before he can go. 

This image shows that a extensive amount of time has passed because the image suggests that the two younger girls are the youth of the older women walking past them. This shows time passing in a different way as it is the passing of over 50 years photographed in one single shot and the fact that the women are standing in a similar to the girls makes it look like it is meant to be them 

Real Example - The ticking of a clock

Personal definition- Passing of time is showing that something has happened whether that be over a few seconds of time or over years. 

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