Friday 5 February 2016

Research Log

 Eadweard Muybridge

Above is a set of photographs created by the photographer Eadweard Muybridge. Eadweard has used a continuous shot in order to show the movement with in the woman and what she is doing. The images he has created clearly show the passing of time and the movement within the photograph. I think that the idea of photographing in black and white to keep the focus on the movement in the photograph is a good one and I will look at incorporating this in to my own work. I am looking at experimenting with the continuos shooting setting on my camera in order to create a similar set of images in order to show the passing of time. 

Tom Hussey 

Tom Hussey has used reflections in order to show the passing of time and has used reflections to do this. Hussey has tried to recreated the exact same picture just when the person is much older than the first time they were photographed. His photographs clearly show the passing of time and clearly show that the person has aged but gives  the impression that they are thinking back to what they looked like when they were younger and reminiscing this is suggested from the way the man is looking in to the mirror in the photograph above. He has clearly shown the passing of time in a very simple way which is very effective in making you think about how much you have changed over a period of time.

 Jesús Chapa-Malacara

Jesús uses long exposure to show off the passing of time and uses the movement of the dancer to really help show the passing of time. Jesús makes sure that one movement is very clear and this gives the impression that this is the position the dancer finishes the movement in. Jesús uses the long exposure to show off the movement of the dancer and make it clear the kind of movements that the dancer can do in the  short amount of time for which the camera was capturing them. Due to long exposure the passing of time is clear and you can see how the time has passed through the photo. The long exposure shows the movements that dancer has done but they aren't clear enough to see exactly what they have done during the dance.

Tristan Savatier

Tristan Savatier used long exposure to show off the complete movement of the fire and how it is actually one fluid movement rather than lots of little movement. The long exposure has blurred out the person who is doing the work with the fire which keeps the attention on the movement of the fire rather than what the person. The fire is the clear subject of the photograph and shows of the passing of time and therefore really works well as the passing of time is clear and really well. Tristan Savatier takes a lot of photographs fire and of the shapes that can be made with them. He photographs fire on a regular basis and does it well and really shows the passing of time due to the pattern created with in the photographs. 

Darren Beale

This time lapse photographs was created by standing on a motorway bridge and the long exposure has captures the movements of the cars on both sides of the motorway. The lights show the passing of time through the fact that you can see the movement from with in the photograph. The red lights show you that he was taking photographs of the cars driving away from the camera and it works well as he has also capture some of the headlights coming towards him and you can easily understand where he is and what it is he has taken photographs of. 

Fong Qi Wei

 Fong Qi Wei used time slice photography to really show off the passing of time. He takes photographs over an extended period of time in the same location and then edits them to create on whole photograph. These style of  photographs clearly show the change a location goes through over the course of the day and all the different things that happen in one place over a long time period. The images have all been edited together to to make one complete photograph showing an extended period of time in the same location. The sky really shows the change in time due to the number of different colours that feature in it. 

Stephen Wilkes

Stephan Wilkes creates almost panoramic images which convey both day and night in the same location. It works well as an image as the artist has clearly portrayed the same landscape just at different points of the day. The artist has used the passing of time to convert what people do at different points of the day for example in the image above  shows that during the day people tend  to go to the beach while at night they like to go to the fun fair. The images have merged well together and appear to be one complete image when in reality they are actually two separate images.

Alexey Titiarenko

Alexey Titarenko uses long exposure of one location to show off the passing of time. In the image above it appears to be taken at a train station with people rushing to get home. The use of long exposure means that the people rushing around look like a dust cloud that has been left behind. The image has a long exposure time meaning it is able to capture a lot of people rushing around, the length of the exposure time means that the image appears to have a constant rush of people going in the train station. The long exposure seems to go back through the whole picture and really give the audience a sense that the world is rushing past the camera so fast that it cannot be clearly captured by a camera. 

Bobby Neel Adams

Bobby Neel Adams has merged peoples faces together, photographs from when they were younger and more modern pictures. The images have been merged together well and look like one seamless image. The images have been merged at the correct point and line up correctly. These images show the passing of time over a long period of time because there is a large age gap between the young picture and the older picture. The images are merged so well that when you get down past the face you cannot tell that the images are two separate ones that have been merged together they appear to be just one image. 

Richard Silver

Richard Silver is another photographer who uses time slice photography. In the image above he has taken an image of the houses of parliament from the time the sun rises to the time the sun sets. The images shows the passing of time due to the fact that the image shows the course of a whole day in just one image.  The image has been well edited because apart from the colour change on the building you can't tell that the building has been edited together as it appears to all be one building taken in one photograph. The passing of time is shown through the fact that the sky is turning different colours and the building is getting darker and darker due to the change in lighting throughout the day. 

Simon Norfolk 

Simon Norfolk shows the passing of time by showing people moving and not filling the whole space in the  photograph but showing them more spread out and being able to clearly see all the different children and the way in which they are moving. The movement is shown through the fact that the children are blurred and you can't see them clearly and this clearly shows the movement of the children and the person on the bike is clear which suggests that the world is continuing to move around them even when they are standing still. The picture also shows the change in time with the big hotel like building in the background while the children all play in the  sand at the front of the building suggesting that times have changed for one area of the country but not the other.

Kang Seon Jun 

This image is created by laying multiple images over the top of each other. I think that this works very well and shows off the passing of time as the dancer completes her dance moves. The image is in black and whit and therefore means that the focus remains on the fluidity of the dance move and not on the colours going on in the photograph. The passing of time is clear throughout the photograph as the dance goes through all the points in the movement and just looking the the image you envision the whole movement and how much time it takes to complete the movement. All the photographs are sharp and clearly show every part of the movement and allows the audience to really appreciate a very simple dance move.

Viktor Varga

Viktor Varga show the passing of time through the idea that the lights are left behind even after the tram has gone and the movements of the lights within the image. The lights really give off the idea of movement and the passing of time as the tram comes into the stop. The lights are clear and give off the exact shape that the tram makes and the length of the lines really shows the movement of the tram and how it supposed to look. The lights are very bright and show off exactly what they are meant to show off and really stand out on the dark coloured background.  

Clinton James

The light traces clearly show the passing of time as a person has had to fun around them in order to create the light trace. The passing of time is also clear due to the fact that the whole light trace is featured in the photograph. Even though the passing of time isn't the direct theme of the photograph and isn't the first thing you think of when you look at the photograph however when you look deeper into the photograph you can see the passing of time through the light trace. These shows the passing of time in a very discrete way but it works well in showing off something very simple and showing the passing of time in a very simple way.

Oscar Laborda Sanchez

Oscar Laborda Sanchez uses long exposure to show a plane taking off in the dark to show the trace of light created by the plane taking off. The light trace is clear and very simple and really shows off the passing of time off very well because you can see the path that the plane take and how the plane moves during take off. It slows down the movement off the plane and shows you every small detail and the lights help show off where the plane goes. It looks like the light trace would have taken hours to create however in reality it takes just a few seconds and this is portrayed through the clear and crisp light trace. 

John Clang 

Jon Clang takes photographs of the same locations throughout the day and then takes the photographs and tears them up to create a photograph of the whole day and this shows off the passing of time through the whole photograph as there are some slices where half a person is in them and the photograph doesn't fit together but clearly show the passing of time due to the movement of the cars and the change in the people. The rips are a physical experiment that works well and really suits the style of photography that John Clang does.

Sadie Hernandez

Sadie Hernandez uses long exposure and sparklers in order to show the passing of time and therefore the long exposure allows time to pass during the taking of the photograph and allows for the people to create the pattern with the sparkler and therefore means that the photograph shows the passing of time. The person using the sparkler is also visible in the background of the photograph and therefore again shows the passing of term as he can be seen in multiple different places within the photograph. 

Clarisse d'Arcimoles

Clarisse d'Arcimoles has taken photographs of children and then when they have grown up. She has dressed the model the same and then had their hair done in the same style. This shows the passing of time as you can compare one image to the other and see how the child has aged and this shows the passing of around 15 years which is an extensive period of time. She uses a very simple photography style and editing technique to help her pictures show the passing of time.

Jim Doty Jr

Jim Doty Jr photographs long exposure of the strip in Las Vegas. The long exposure of the car lights on the strip show the passing of time as you can see the lights all blurring into on showing the movement of the cars. The lines of lights clearly show off passing of time as you can see the path the car took and you can see the small period of time that has gone by during the taking of the photograph. Jim Doty Jr has enhanced the colour of the lights to make them stand out and capture the audiences attention but also to highlight the fact that the passing of time is a key feature of the photograph.

Ron Niebrugge

Ron Niebrugge has shown the passing of time in a car in a very different way. Ron has taking the photograph from the car as the street goes by. The buildings have all blurred into one and therefore show the passing of time and how fast the car was driving. This shows the passing of time in a very different way because when car are involved in photographs like this it is normally of the back for the cars however this one is in the car.

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