Tuesday 16 February 2016

Tristan Savatier

Tristan Savatier is a long exposure photographer how has taken photographs of people dancing with fire. This is a very different thing to photograph and not many people photograph it and if they do it isn't to the same standard as Tristan Savatier. The fire traces are very clear are the patterns are complete making the picture look whole.

In this image by Tristan Savatier the pattern is very clear the fire path has been capture in a clear way because the whole fire trace can be seen. In this photograph he has capture a very detailed pattern and you can't see the person who is making the pattern clearly showing how fast the person is moving and showing the short amount of time they had to create this patter nso it could be captured in this photograph. 

In this image there is no clear pattern in this image but it works well at showing the passing of time due to the length of each fire sweep. In this image you can clearly see the person creating the shapes and this gives off the idea that anyone can do this talent and you can clearly see exactly what he is doing. The lack of clear patten add to the passing of time as it is like he is practising and this adds to the idea of time passing as it gives off the impression that he spend hours practising attempting to create the detailed patten.

In this image to pattern has been kept very simple and this helps add to the passing of time because you can clearly see the different thickness of the line and you can see the way in which the fire has been dragged. This image give the idea that the circle is on going and therefore you can envision the idea that the circle is still being drawn because the circle has no end it is ongoing and that is the idea of the picture.

In this image the passing of time is shown through the pattern and therefore it shows the time that has been taken in order to really highlight the passing of time. In this image the persons face is blurred by the fire and therefore suggests that it doesn't matter who is creating the pattern as it is only the pattern that matters. The passing of time is also seen through the fact that the body is all blurred and you can't really make out the body and this shows that the man has been moving showing the passing of time. 

Tristan Savatier has influenced me because he has shown me that anything interesting and detailed can show the passing of time and that if you are doing a pattern in a light colour it is best to have it on a darker background in order to make it stand out. He has also influenced me and given me new ideas that I could photography throughout unit 2. 

To summarise I feel that Tristan Savatier has shown me that sometimes you can get a very good photograph and not have to edit them very much. Tristan Savatier has also given me different ideas to consider throughout the project and helps to show the passing of time is a clear and considered way. I like that these images have shown the passing of time and therefore he was a good photographer to look at due to the very unique use of a fire trace.

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