Tuesday 9 February 2016

Tom Hussey

I picked to look at Tom Hussey because I think that the way in which he shows the passing of time is very different and unique. He is able to show the passing of time very clear and show the passing of an extended period of time because it is suggested that the person in the mirror is the younger version of the person in the room. Tom Hussey has used both good photography skills and high editing skills on Photoshop to show off the passing of time clearly. 

In the image above black and white has been used in order to show off the idea that the image has some age to it. It is suggested that the person in the mirror is the same person that is in the room and it has been made to look as if the man is looking back at what he used to look like however the person in the picture isn't the same person but the construction of the photograph makes the person looking at the photograph believe that the person looking in the mirror is looking back at what he used to look like. 

In the image above the setting of the photograph is just as important as the mirror image. The setting shows the age of the setting and really gives you the idea that even though time has moved on the women hasn't changed her house over time. In this image the women are doing a similar activity which has been reflected well within the mirror and has kept the continuous of the photographs and really show that the woman in the mirror is supposed to be and exact match of what the woman in the room is doing.

In this image the passing of time has been shown through the difference in the man in the mirror and the man in the room and how time has changed between.This image is on of only a few to show almost all of the persons body this has been done in order to really show off how much the man has changed over time and this is clearly done through the idea that he was a fireman but is now an old man with a stomach when he would have been physical fit when he was younger. 

This image holds a powerful message because someone who can look so normal and ordinary now can have an extremely hard and interesting past. This is shown from the fact that the old man is just in his pyjamas but the man in the mirror looks like he is off to war to fight and protect his country and therefore suggests that you don't know everything about a person or what they have gone through because of what you see in front of you. This photograph is really good at telling you to not judge a book by its cover because you never know what someone else has gone through. 

In this image it is clear that everything has been kept the same apart from the age of the person in the room. The job of the woman is clear and has been portrayed well through out the whole picture and makes it clear that even though she has aged she hasn't stopped doing what she loves and what she wants to do even though she has gotten older and this works really well in a picture showing that time passes quickly when you enjoy what you are doing. 

Tom Husseys work is an influence to me because it has shown me how I can show the passing of time over an extended period of time such as years and years. Hussey's work has also influenced me because it has shown me a different editing techniques that I could use and could work well with my topic and has allowed me to see another way in which I could take my topic. 

To summerise I will use the influence of Hussey's work into my project as I feel like this is a very different way to show the passing of time and the clearly show a long time passing between the pictures. The mirror works well and is a technique I used in unit 1 so this is a big influence for me because I know how to do it but this is showing me how to do it well. 

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