Thursday 24 March 2016

Shoot 10 - Gifs

Shoot 10 - Straight Images

Shoot 10 - Contact Sheet

Shoot 10 - Work Record

For this shoot I hope to make it to the station in order to capture commuters on their way to work or coming up from the station having arrived at their location for work. I feel like this will really show off the passing of time as it will lead the viewer to think of the journey that the person has taken to get to this point but also to end up where they are right know and where they are going. I think this should could lead to the creation of some gifs that will work very well together and therefore it will mean that I am able to get more and more practice at creating the gifs. 

When doing this shoot I realised that it was too light to create long exposure images due to the fact that it was very bright at the time and the pictures were all coming out white and even after changing the iso and aperture I was unable to get the right colour so I used continuous shooting part of my camera in order to capture the passing of time 

While I was on location I saw this man and I decided that I could turn this into a never ending gif however when I was editing it I realised that you could see the car going past in the background so I had to crop out the cars so that the car didn't disappear. I feel like this really tested my editing skills as I tried to created a gif that could look like it would never end. I feel that this works well and really helped me with the detailed needed in creating a gif.

I feel that this sequence of images shows off the passing time as you can clearly see the boys getting further and further into the shot and the fact that they have all be laid next to each other suggests the passing of time as you look along the line in order to see the sequence of images in a clear and distinctive line. The passing of time is clear within the images as they begin to become more and more into the shot and you can see that the movement of their feet all link together in order to show off a clear sequence of images highlighting the passing of time. 

 I have looked in to doing another shoot at Allianz Park when Saracens play Northampton Saints and am currently waiting to hear back from them as to whether or not I will be allowed to take my camera into the venue as I feel  I will be able to capture the passing of time clearly during the match. I also hope to be able to capture sequences of image in order to have another go at creating gifs. 

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Shoot 9 - GIFs

Shoot 9 - Straight Images

Shoot 9 - Contact Sheet

Shoot 9 - Work Record

For this shoot I hope to be able to photograph the food as it is eaten.  I hope that by photographing the images in the sequence I will be able to create a gif out of them. I have wanted to learn how to create gifs in photoshop and therefore bettering my knowledge of photoshop. I hope that this shoot will work well and show off the passing of time differently. I think this will work well as the object will stay there same there will just be parts of it missing. I feel like one thing that could go wrong with shoot is the length of time that it takes to get through all of the food in order to make sure that the changes in the food are clear. I also worry that some of the changes in the food might not be clear enough to show off the changes. 

This image showed the passing of time well as more and more of the orange disappears. I feel that there are enough stages to the eating of the orange in order to show off exactly  how the orange gets eaten. I feel that this photograph works well and it shows clearly the passing of time throughout the image. I feel that this sequence works well as an images clearly link together and show the passing of time. 

I also created gifs for this shoot as I shot the photo in a stop-motion style. I was able to crop the images to the same size in order to create the gifs correctly. I feel that this works well and again shows the passing of time. I feel like the gif works well with as the stages are slow and therefore allows people the chance to process what is changing between the photographs. I liked learning the process of making a gif as i feel that I leant more about photoshop and know I can create these in my exam. 


For my next shoot I plan to photograph people walking towards or away from the station again I plan to do this is a stop motion fashion in order to create the correct idea from the shoot. I want to continue to create gifs in order to better my knowledge of photoshop and to also continue to create continuous shots of places or objects in order to tell a story. 

Monday 21 March 2016

Shoot 8 - Straight Images

Shoot 8 - Contact Sheet

Shoot 8- Work Record

In this shoot I hope to show the literally passing of time. I intend to do this through photographing clocks and phones that show off the passing of time. In this shoot I am aiming to show the literal passing of time. I will photograph the same clocks at different times and then different clocks at the same time. For this shoot I will use the table top in order to keep the white background clear but I will also use the equipment that means I can have my camera looking down on the watch in order to get the right angle. I hope that this shoot will also allow me to look at another way in which I could take my topic. 

In this image I have photographed the literally passing of time through the fact that there is a time difference between the image. I also like that there looks as if there is no background and there is a high level of contest between the black and white seen in the picture. The picture clearly links with the theme that is the passing of time and shows this rather literally. I used some editing techniques to make the numbers brighter and to help them stand out. 

In this image I used 4 different clocks and created one whole clock. The image works well because the image shows the passing of time and how people change clocks over time. I didn't edit the photographs that much because the images were all different and I couldn't make the clocks look the same colour. I like that the hands go over to different photographs and that they don't line up perfectly because it means that you can see the difference between the all the clocks and this shows that it is multiple different clocks merged together. 


I didn't enjoy this shoot because I didn't feel like it went that well nor did I think that it fit well with my other shoots so in the next shoot I would like to go back to photograph  the passing of time in short snaps and this is why in the next shoot I want to show the passing of time with food. This links well with my theme as I can create animations with it. I don't like this ideas so I do not wish to take it any further. 

Thursday 17 March 2016

Print Techniques

Black and White



Selective Colour 

Soft Focus 


