Thursday 25 February 2016

Connecting Essay 1

In the image below the passing of time has been shown through the movement of the person doing ballet and this image shows the detail of the movements that the person has made. The dancer is in the middle of the frame so that all of her movements can be seen in the image.  The dark background makes the dancer stand out and the simple editing has helped the person stand out and there for it means that the simple picture  keeps it simplicity and keeps the focus on the passing of time shown in the images. The image helps to show the movements of the person off and allows people to really appreciate movements that a dancer can do in a short amount of time. 

In my image the girl decided to do a very detailed jump and I decided this would make a vey good photograph. This isn't a long exposure photograph however once I had laid the images over the top of each other and it worked very well and therefore I really liked it. It showed of the passing of time well and the continuous shooting worked well together as all the movements are clear and you can really see ever one of the movements that she made.  This worked well and the editing was harder than I expected as I had to find the right opacity for the pictures in order so that you could see the movement but it still looked like the movement wasn't overtaking the whole image. 

In both these images the placement of the dancer in the frame is important because it means that all of their movements can be seen within the frame and the passing of time is shown clearly throughout the passing of time. Also contrast of colours are similar in my image the background is white and the girl is wearing black and in the other image it is the other way around. The images are both very simple and therefore the focus of the image remains on the passing of time and nothing else.

Shoot 2 - Straight Images

Shoot 2 - Contact Sheet

Shoot 2 - Work Record

For this shoot I plan to photograph my friends dancing in the studio. I think this will make a good subject to photograph. As they are creating a lot off detailed movements I feel that these will make interesting photographs and because of the techniques that I learnt in the previous shot I feel that I can make this a success. I hope that I am able to recreate the photos from the last shoot but also learn from my mistakes. 

When taking these photographs I felt very rushed as I only had about half an hour with the girls and I also had to set the studio up as it was occupied before I was using it. I feel that the shoot went well and I was able to capture some good images and therefore I feel that the shoot was worth will completing.

Below is a picture that I like 

I like this picture because I like how  I managed to capture all of the important movements within the routine. It took me a while to get the right to camera  on to the right
 setting however once I had done this it worked really well and really showed off all the key movements in the routine that they had created. I also like this picture because I worked hard on the editing in order to really show off the dance and the clear movements from one move to the other. 

Below is a picture that didn't work so well. 

This is one of the picture that worked well however I had the light on to bright and the picture came out over exposed. It didn't work as well as some of the other images I had created due to the fact that light was on the wrong setting. I tried playing around with the photograph on photoshop however it didn't work well at all. I also feel that the flash's weren't in the right places and I feel like they didn't capture the right movements. 


When I next do a shoot like this I will make sure I check the settings of the camera and the light before I get the models into the studio and make sure that everything is correct and ready when they arrive because nothing was ready when they arrived and I felt very underprepared. I would now like to take my topic in a different direction and in my next shoot plan to photograph the dilution of food dye in water

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Shoot 1 - Straight Images

Shoot 1 - Contact Sheet

Shoot 1 - Work Record

For this shoot I will practise different techniques that could be useful throughout my project and therefore could influence the way in which I choose to take my project.  I have chosen to start out with simple movements so that I am able to work on the techniques and make sure that this is going to work before I launch into bigger more complex shoots. By the end of the shoot I hope to have created some good images that show off the techniques that I have learnt and I hope to know exactly what I am doing before going into my next shoot so that I can capture the right images. 

During the shoot I was able to capture some very clear images. I feel that it was a good idea to complete this shoot as I feel that if I hadn't done this shoot I would struggle when trying to do it in the next shoot. I feel that even though I was using this shoot as a test shoot it worked well as I was able to create some very good images considering that I was learning about the camera settings.

Below is one photo from the shoot that I like

I think this photograph really shows the passing of time well as you can see the movement of the girl as time goes past. I like that you can clearly see all of her movements within the photograph and you can clearly see that time is passing during the photograph. I really liked the use of slow sync in the photograph which involved me flashing the light throughout the long exposure shot of the photograph. 

Below is a picture from the shoot that I don't like

This photograph is over exposed because I was trying to photograph it using the natural light but after taking this photograph I realised I would need to use the studio lights in order  to make the whole photograph clearer and mean that you can see the people in the photographs. 


I would like to do another shoot using these techniques. I would like to use these techniques on more interesting things like dancers and sports players to really help show the passing of time.  I would also like to create more of the gifs that I have created from this shoot and therefore means that I can portray the passing of time through moving pictures. 

Thursday 18 February 2016

Image Bank

Light Traces 

In these two images moving vehicles have been photographed in order to create a light trace. The images use the light traces created by the car or plane in order to show off the passing of time with in the photograph. I feel that I could easily re-create these images in order to really show off the passing of time. I like that the images are very complex to take yet have a simplicty about them as they are very clear and you can really tell what they are. 

In these three images an item lit by a flame has been used to create a light trace. These images again look rather simple but however in these images people have been used to help show the passing of time. The light source links the use of a person well to the light trace as they either go around them or appear to be creating the pattern themselves. These work well at showing the passing of time and therefore it means that it links well to the theme. These light traces are harder to create however I think I will be able to recreate them.


In these images the dilution of one colour at one point of time has been photographed and the passing of time is suggested throughout the photograph as it sparks the thought of what the food dye had to go through to get to this point and what it will look like when it has finished diluting. I like the fact that these images don't directly show the passing of time but suggests it and show how a few drops of food dye can expand in to something more. 

In this image the dilution of the different colours shows the passing of time as the dye appears to have been added to the water at different times and this can be seen by how much the dye has diluted in to the water. In this image the passing of time is shown throughout the whole images but also shows how time can effect something.

In the final image of this set a drop of food dye has been dropped into the water and then photographs have been taken as it dilutes into the water. This sequence of images really shows off the passing of time as the food dye expands more and the colour begins fade as it dilutes more. This sequence works well as there was only a small amount of dye used and therefore keeps the pictures minimal so as not to draw away from the idea of the passing of time.


In these images the old and young versions of a person have been merged together in order to show the passing of time. In the top image the ageing has been done using photoshop however the bottom image the two faces have been merged together by laying the images together in order to show the age of the person. These images are very simple yet clearly show off the theme of time passing and therefore work. I think these would be easy to recreate in photoshop once I have learned the right techniques. 

In these image the old and young have been photographed together in order to show the passing of time and how things grow and change into something different. The large age gap between two features in the photograph shows the passing of time on a large scale and the fact that the images have remained clear in order to show the wrinkles that come with time and how they can effect the body.

In this image the passing of time is show though shadows behind the people that suggests that this may be what they used yo do in their spare time but as time has passed they have become the way they are. The passing of time is also shown through the fact that their shadows are dancing yet they are having to uses sticks in order to get around suggesting that they have aged a lot over the years since they used to dance.


In these images the movement is show through the use of long exposure. The movements have all blurred into one and therefore you can see the movement of the person however you can not be completely sure of what movements they have made during the taking of the photograph. These images have been edited to make the movement brighter and clearer so that you can see all the movements together and the fluidity of the movements. The fact that you can't actually see who the person is or what they are doing works very well with the theme of the passing of time. 

In this image the movement is shown through the continuous shooting of the person and they have then been laid over the top of each other to give off the idea that she is moving through the photos. The fact that they have been laid over each other and show off all the little movements that the gymnast makes when she is doing her routine and therefore allows people to understand the detail of the movements that she does.

In this image the movement of the dice has been documented and this shows off how much they movement they go through in just a matter of seconds but it also shows the way in which the dice bounce and how they roll. It gives off a clear path and allows you to really see what the dice do when they are rolled. The dice contrast the background and this makes the movement standout and clearly show what is going on as the time is passing. 


In this image the passing of time has been shown through the change in colour of the leaves. The fact that the leaves have all been photographed together helps show off the passing of time as you can see the deterioration of colour on the leaves. The leaves have also been placed in order of how they look throughout the year so people can easily associate the leaves with the corresponding season.

In these images the four season are all displayed in one photograph showing the passing of time. I think that these images work well and show a lot of detail. They show a lot of work on photoshop and show the detail in which the image has been created. I feel like these images show a passing of time that has been going on for centuries and will continue to go on and is an example of passing time that goes un-noticed in everyday life. 

In this image even though it is again trying to show the passing of time using a tree to show the difference in this one only winter and summer are shown and I feel that this works as well if not better than the previous images and there is a clear contrast between the two times and therefore this shows that time has passed between the two halves of the image. I like that contrast has been used in order to show the passing of time. 

Sequence Shot

In all of these images continuous shooting has been used of a distance only selective images have been used in order to make a clear and spaced out sequence to show the passing of time as the object moves throughout the image. I like these sort of images as they show off the passing of time but they also show enough of the movement to make the sequence clear and understandable to many people. I also like this image because it shows off a lot of detailed editing techniques that have all been clubbed together in order to create such an interesting and detailed image.

Possible Shoot Ideas

  1. Ball Throwing - Slow Sync  and Continuous Shot 
  2. Dance - Continuous shot and Long Exposure
  3. Train Station London (Long Exposure) 
  4. Markets in London (Long Exposure) 
  5. Clocks - Different times and Long exposure of hand ticking 
  6. Clocks - Same times 
  7. Tennis- Continuous shot 
  8. Rugby or Bowling  - Continuous shot 
  9. Adding on layers for the seasons 
  10. Younger Children playing together in the studio - Continuous shot and Long Exposure
  11. Older and Younger playing together (Studio) 
  12. Food Dye in Water 
  13. Light Traces 
  14. Food 
  15. Old and New building 

These are my ideas for my shoots these may change if I decide I don't like and idea of if I want to develop one idea further. 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Eadweard Muybridge

Eadweard Muybridge
Born - 9th April 1830 
Died - 8th May 1904 
Important for his pioneering work of studying motion in photography and early motion picture project. 
Known as the Father of Motion Picture 
He emigrated to America aged 20 first to New York and then to San Fransisco before returning to England in 1861 and took up professional photography. 
Eadweard Muybridge shot his wife's lover in 1874 but was acquitted on the grounds of justifiable homicide.
Began as a landscape photographer before developing into a movement photographer.

I like this image because it clearly shows that passing off time. It does this detail really well and clearly shows off the passing of time through the movement of the woman dancing in the shots. I really like this image because it clearly shows the passing of time and therefore means that it shows off exactly what it is supposed to show off. This is similar with many off the photographs that Eadweard created. Many of the photographs that he created are a  set of photographs that work really well together and show clear movement over a short period of time showing of all the steps of getting through a simple movement. The fact that all his photographs are black and white links to the time period in which the photographs where colour photographs had not been invented. The fact that he has shown several frames in one photograph links to the fact that he also links to the beginning of cinematography and the images he creates almost look like a frame by frame piece of video footage