Tuesday 12 April 2016

Shoot 11 - Gifs

Shoot 11 - Straight Images

Shoot 11 - Contact Sheet

Shoot 11 - Work Record

For this shoot I am planning to take images of the players both during the warm up and during the game as well I hope to catch the passing and kicking of the ball in order to show the passing of time as the ball will be blurred showing the movement however due to the fact that I am unable to take my DSLR camera into the stadium due to the fact I was unable to gain permission to take it with me I will have to do this shoot on my Samsung camera which is good quality however not as good as my DSLR camera. 

During the shoot I was able to get very close to the pitch meaning that I was able to get  clean and clear photogrpahs of the players so that you can easily see what is going on and how the photographs work well together. The quality of the photographs  turned out much clearer than I thought they would however when I decreased the size they became a little bit more grainy and therefore lost the sharpness of my photograph. The photographs however turned out exactly how I want them to turn out and clearly showed off the passing off time that I wanted it to and I used the action freeze setting on the camera in order to show the movement of the ball but keep the player in focus.

I feel that the photo above clearly shows the theme of my photograph and really shows off the passing of time. I think that the shows that the player is in mid-movement due to the fact that the players foot and the ball are out of focus. Originally the photograph was rather dark however after adjusting the levels, curves and vibrance of the photograph I was able to rescue it and make it really stand out and keep the focus on the player and not on anything else happening with in the photograph 


Having completed my 11 shoots for this unit I now have to decided what I am going to shoot for my exam. I have decided that I am not going to aim to create gifs in my exam however if I can then I will however this will not be my main aim as I feel they will eat up a lot of my time and I won't have enough time to edit all the photographs that I want to. 

Exam Proposal

Name:                                                                                                issued 12/04/2016

AS Photography students

Aim: Prepare shoot proposal for the set exam

·      Identify materials equipment processes required for the set exam
·      Demonstrate an ability to plan for the exam paper

Set exam dates: 19th, 21st, 26th, 28th April

My exam proposal is: -

 Shoot 1 – In the Studio – Food Dye and Water
Shoot 2 – Location – Old and Modern Building.

I will be working in the following locations (maximum no = 2)

 Shoot 1 – Harlow College Studio
Shoot 2 – London

I need the following resources(include studio and materials/backdrops, tripods, lights, etc).

 White TableTop
Box Lights
Back light

am planning my shoots on the following dates/times
 19th – Studio – Water and Food Dye
21st – London – Modern and Old Buildings

If working on location be aware that the first shoot must be for a three hour location excluding travel time.

You will need to plan your shoots and include the writing material within the set time schedule…    The total exam time is 10 hours

All students working on location must allow sufficient time to complete their write-up within the set exam times


Students are advised to ensure that their exam piece addresses the set assessment objectives.

·      Links to “known/established photographers”
·      A personal response (original/creative work)
·      Record of how the photographs were taken/edited
·      How work links with previous posts within the blogger

Refer to the presentation on Qube for full details of the assessment objectives.

All students will need to create the same blog structure as outlined in the hand-out.

ON THURSDAY THE 14TH ALL STUDENTS MUST  provide an invite to jbell@harlow.college.co.uk to have administration rights on their blogger.

Your unit 2 blogger will be locked on the 19th of April